Notify administrator after submitting a form through email

The Admin Notification feature is used to notify a form administrators when a form is submitted, through email.

The people in notification does not necessarily have to be WordPress administrator. Any person with an email address can be notified with the settings. However, the administration email usually contains links which can only be accessed by the Form Administrator. So if you are sending admin notification emails to people outside, make sure to remove the links.

Setup Admin Notification Email

Form the Form Builder go to Settings Admin Notification.

Customize Admin Emails
Customize Admin Email

Here you will find all necessary settings to configure the message, email subject etc. Here are a few things to note:

  • You can have multiple emails in Send emails to separated by comma, like


  • Make sure to properly setup Form email if you are expecting replies.
  • To have user email as Reply To, kindly enable the switch Reply to user from email.

Disable Admin Notification Email

Simply blank out the Send emails to field and the system will not send any admin notification emails.