How to setup different timers in quiz forms

WPEForm comes with many options to record the time it takes to submit a form and also to enforce a time limit for the user to complete the form.

All of them can be accessed from the Form Settings.

Setting up Form Timer

Form Timer Settings
Form Timer Settings


Here you will see the following options:

  • Submission timer - This will enforce a timer for the form or each page of the form. More on it later.
  • Record submission time - This is enabled by default. It will record the time it takes to submit the form.
  • Show stopwatch - If enabled it will show a stopwatch on the form. Please see the screenshot below.
Form Stopwatch
Form Stopwatch

Whether you've selected Overall form timer or Page specific timer you will see the following options:

Form Timer Config
Form Timer Config
  • Show timer - If enabled, it will show the remaining time on the bottom of the form (or page). It will stick to the page so that the user always know how much time they have left.
  • Timer message - The text that will shown up in the timer widget.
Form Timer
Form Timer

Specific configuration options are explained below.

Setting up Overall Form Timer

Overall time limit
Overall time limit

When you've selected this option along with the above two options, you will see that you can enter Time limit in the same page.

Setting up Page Specific Timer

If you've selected Page specific timer from the settings, then you'll need to CONFIGURE each page and set the Page timer as shown below.

Overall time limit
Overall time limit

What happens when the timer runs out?

When the timer runs out, the form will be submitted automatically.

  • If you've selected Overall form timer then the form will be submitted.
  • If you've set Page specific timer then the page will be progressed to the next page. If the user was on the last page then the form will be submitted.
It is possible to create Page Specific Timer and not have a timer set for some specific pages, for example, the first page can ask for personal information and you may not want to put a timer there.

Additionally, for pages that have a timer (all the pages in case you have Overall form timer configured) the page cannot be navigated back.